Monday, July 28, 2014

Suit yourself

My college roommate says that I need to write a book of all my weird experiences.  A blog may suffice.

Today I went to an unnamed sporting goods store.  I had waited about 14 months (and through my spending hiatus) to buy a new swim suit.  I am surprised that the Y had not kicked me out yet for public indecency with the saggy bottom and...never mind.  It was bad.

I walk in the store to an employee complaining about working on the phone.  As I peruse the half empty store with broken tiles and decor from 1995, Mr. Complainer approached and asked if he could help me find something.  I told him I wanted a swim suit, which he presented the only rack in the store that had my desired item.  I told him what brands I liked, didn't like...he suggested I not wear the brands I didn't like (thanks).

When I was able to flag down an employee's attention (that zip tie at the front was pretty intriguing), I  was told that the dressing rooms "needed to be nailed back to the floor" and was taken back past the office and back room storage to a dingy bathroom in the corner with a camping chair, pinecone border, cat air freshener, a full length mirror held up with a dumbbell, and a sign on the back of the door helping employees catching other employees stealing.

As I begin to try on all 7 of my suits, suit #2 had a knock at the door.  Since I was using the only restroom (and apparently dressing room) in the place, there were other demands for the facilities.  By #5, I had a man who attempted to barge in on me, and by #7, the knocker from #2 had come to ask me how much longer I was going to be.  I finished, walked through the store with the evidence in my hand of being the one holding up the line and a girl and her mother were beelining toward the bathroom with mom threatening to wet herself.

I offered my embarrassment to an employee, who insisted that I tell her manager because they were "just complaining" when they had informed him of this.  (Since apparently an apparel store does not need a place to try on the apparel.)  While purchasing items from his store, the manager approached me and I had to recount the mortifying tale again.  After an apology, he offered to have a dressing room available the next time I came in.  When I informed him I wasn't returning, Mr. Complainer (who apparently is the manager) offered to let me buy a suit from his store and return it if it doesn't fit.  So let me get this straight, I was completely indecent in your makeshift bathroom while people attempted to walk in on me and you offer me a better experience next time???

So, this gets better.  Because after he walked away, the cashier said she knows what I mean...the men who come in here are creeps and sometimes will pull down their drawers to show her their pant size.  The impromptu dressing room was the reason that they put the lock on the door.  (Um, excuse me???)  She did her best to console me and offer me coupons (which again would require me purchasing items again), but it was a sweet gesture to offer to stand guard the next time I was using their makeshift stall.

After the cashier told me that she personally makes sure that the bathing suits are out year round (because people go swimming at hotels), I begin to wonder if the corporate office knows this place exists.

Monday, July 21, 2014

This summer, so far has been a while since I have written here.  A long while.  So here's the d's:  I have been busy.  Not like crazy, I am going to lose my mind busy, but occupied.  My sister and I took a twelve day trip to France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.  It was wonderful.  It's still a little surreal that we went.

So, as a result, my bank account got a little low.  So I went on a mostly spending hiatus.  Okay, so I spent like a dollar on 25 cent ski ball games when my bestie from the westie came and may have spent some money when we went out, but really, it was minimal.  I have ridden my bike and walked to downtown events, where I have enjoyed free outdoor music without paying a dime.  Granted, I had a friend pay for some things, but that was a belated birthday present and that was not my intention.

I made a birthday card for my mom, who fawned for quite a while over it.  (*score*)  

And made my own watercolors.  (I would likely use a different recipe or actual pre made paints next time.

I did breakdown and buy some deep fried goodness at the fair.  (It was the fair, after all, it only happens once a year.)  And I had some awesome friends who enjoyed my first demolition derby with me.

I attempted to bike to see my grandpa a few hours away.  Unfortunately, I got really turned around with GPS and could not make it there before dark.  It was a good workout, even if I didn't log all my miles on my RunKeeper app.

I continue to clean out my pantry, which still surprisingly has food.  And I have started to bake with whatever is left there.  (Score with these chocolate chip pumpkin muffins.)

I housesat for my parents last week, which allowed me to access their food and pantry (per my mum), but I didn't go overboard.  It did help stretch things, though, and at this point, was more practical than getting paid.  So, onto my hand at making my own bread.  (Wish me luck.)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Flashback Friday

I am a day late, but here's to a happy 33rd anniversary to my parents!  I am very, very fortunate to have parents who have remained married and love each other so much.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Flashback Friday: Noodles and Co.

Another dinner date with my sister.  Clearly, she's thrilled.

This weekend, I get to visit her and we get to go to a concert.  Yay!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Flashback sometime: Happy Easter!

I was going through my stuff and found this little gem.  My apologies on the quality of the picture and the frame.  It was the best I could do.  Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Internet, shimnernet

I have been taking a break from Facebook for a bit and apparently took a hiatus from all social media.   Life has been busy and so, so, so good.  It is constantly shifting, but it is manageable.    I have moved houses, offices, and have some potential side work that came out of the woodwork.  It has been extremely scary to move out of my parents' house, but it has been a time to seriously consider everything I own.  I am having to take serious inventory of everything I own and consider whether I could realistically keep it.  I was able to see my first check stub and retirement statement when I first started my career.  On the same day, I got my most recent stub.  Wow, I am fortunate.  Persistence has paid off.  I officially bought all our plane tickets to Europe and we have booked our bed and breakfast in Dublin.  I am getting so, so excited.  We bought Jack Johnson concert tickets and I am working on us going to another concert.

I also had an exciting morning off with a bird who got caught in the fireplace (and clearly didn't stay there).

The spring is finally here and we seem to be all thawed out.  I have been able to get out running some, but more importantly, it has been good weather for moving.  Winter is still holding on to each last little bit it can, but warmer days are here.  And just in time for my injury to be on the mend.

I have had a few trips to Illinois and Michigan to visit friends and my sis.  I was able to catch just the beginning of the Lake Michigan thaw.  Seriously, the whole lake was not moving.  It was a sight to behold.  Some of my days have included audiobooks, Tiramisu in a restaurant by myself, where I could soak in every part of a book, chat with the waitress, and just relish the moment.

I have been scared, excited, and completely blown away how everything has come together in ways I have hoped, prayed for, and dreamed for a long time.  It just makes the gifts so much sweeter.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Flashback Friday--Kristin

Guess who I get to see this weekend.